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Indie Board Game Designers

Jul 26, 2018

A quick bonus episode about the Solo Game Design Challenge on The Game Crafter and my entry (Bias).

Jul 25, 2018

Today on the show I talk with Pat Brennan. He has a lot of experience launching his own games on Kickstarter. And he gives a lot of advice:

  • Why you need to start with a community
  • Why Kickstarter initiatives might not be right for you
  • How to trick self driving cars


Jul 18, 2018

Today I have a chat with the awesome Emma Larkins:

  1. She runs a weekly board game design group
  2. Created an active community on Twitter
  3. See why she likes accessible games


Jul 12, 2018

Carol Mertz is a video game and board game designer who:

  • Documents her process with thoughtful blog posts
  • Explores new mediums (like 3-d printing her own pieces)
  • Runs a her own game design conference.

Jul 3, 2018

Today I chat to Eduardo (Ed) Baraf and his experience as a designer, publisher, and reviewer. That's a lot of ground to cover:

  • Why he decided to make a more complicated version (Herbaceous Sprouts) of his existing game (Herbaceous)
  • How to get the most from game development
  • How you can contribute to the board game...