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Indie Board Game Designers

Dec 31, 2019

John Lash joins me and shares:

  1. His game Cage Match
  2. His direct to Amazon strategy
  3. And his favorite martial arts movie

Dec 23, 2019

In this episode I chat with Fabian Fischer who tells us:

  • Exactly how you design an expansion for a game
  • When you should start designing an expansion
  • How expansions and previous games affects your sales
  • and a ton of resources!

And he also shares why you'd want an ogre as a friend.

Dec 19, 2019

Wes Woodbury and I chat about his game Legends of Novus. We also talk about:

  • The shared fantasy realm
  • Story telling games
  • Creating app based board games
  • and eye-rollders (like a beholder but an eye)

Dec 17, 2019

Lessons learned from PAX Unplugged. It was the first time I went and learned a lot about selling in person. As well as the first time selling Fry Thief.

Dec 10, 2019

Christian Kudahl shares his story about his game Unleash which he recently signed. We talk about:

  • Finding the one good mechanism in a game
  • The best advice on this show
  • and ace lawyers